CN SU20 (Solar)

The CN SU20 model is developed with the aim to provide vital support during the first phase of deployments when reliable, independent energy resources are critical to the success of any mission.

CN SU10 (Solar)

All technical, logistical and operational characteristics are identical with the 10′ Standard model, except or additionally the ones listed below.

CN Cargo

Continest continues to revolutionize the industry with its foldable container solutions.

CN Retail Unit

CN Retail Unit is an easily deployable, foldable container both for fast, practical and comfortable on-site vending. The CN Retail Unit foldable container gives a 20ft pop-up unit for merchandise, retail, F&B, ticket sales, box office, etc.

As all CN units, it reduces the environmental impact of transportation and construction time, thus transforms event logistics as we know it today.

CN20 Standard

Continest is a market-leading foldable container solution, specially developed for the purpose of relatively short-period usage anywhere there is a need for handling large crowds for lodging, office/meeting, cash desk, but even storage, cooling and heating purposes.

CN10 Standard

Continest is a market-leading foldable container solution, specially developed for the purpose of relatively short-period usage anywhere there is a need for handling large crowds for lodging, office/meeting, cash desk, but even storage, cooling and heating purposes.

Standard 6 x 2,4m

Rozměry 5 980 mm x 2 400 mm Ocelový rám Pozinkované antikorozní profily tloušťky 2 a 3 mm Stěny Sendvičový panel Rockwool 50mm Střecha Falcovaný pozinkovaný plech tl. 0,35 – 0,45 mm, vnitřek/vnějšek Stropy Sendvičový panel Rockwool 40mm Podlaha Materiál: Cementotřísková deska 16 mm, Izolace: Rockwool izolační vata 100 mm Dveře Jednokřídlé, Sendvičový panel Rockwool, […]

Standard 3 x 2,4m

Rozměry 3 x 2,4m Rám Ocelové pozinkované profily, 2 a 3 mm silné, montované Opláštění Sendvičové PUR panely Základní boční panely Polyuretanová pěna š. 50mm Střešní panely, izolace Polyuretanová pěna š. 40mm Materiál podlahy PVC 2,5mm, cemento-třísková deska tl. 16mm, rastr z horizontálních C profilů, tepelná izolace, trapézový plech tl. 0,5mm Okna 2 či 3 […]

Skladový 6 x 2,4m, 6 x 2,5m

Rozměry 6 x 2,4m Rám Opláštění Základní boční panely Střešní panely, izolace Materiál podlahy Okna Dveře Elektroinstalace